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Dr. Elitza Stanoeva

Działalność naukowa

2013 – PhD, Technical University, Berlin;

2004 – Master, Central European University, Budapest;

2003 – Master, Sofia University „St. Kliment Ohridski”, Sofia

Zainteresowania naukowe

socjologia historyczna socjalizmu, studia miejskie, studia nad pamięcią, historia zimnej wojny, historia architektury

Informacje o publikacjach


Elitza Stanoeva, София: идеология, градоустройство и живот през социализма [Sofia: Ideology, Urban Planning and Life under Socialism]. Sofia: Prosveta, 2016

Edytowane tomy:

Tom Junes and Elitza Stanoeva (eds.), Youth, Civic Action and Protest, issue 46, 2/2016 of Critique & Humanism

Elitza Stanoeva and Tom Junes (eds.), Youth Cultures of Socialism and Post-socialism: Lifestyles, Conformism and Rebellion, issue 43, 1-2/2014 of Critique & Humanism [in Bulg.]

Maya Grekova and Elitza Stanoeva (eds.), The City as a Stake in Local and Global Politics, issue 42, 1-2/2013 of Critique & Humanism [in Bulg.]

Dimitar Vatsov and Elitza Stanoeva (eds.), Quality of Higher Education in National and Global Contexts, issue 36, 1/2011 of Critique & Humanism [in Bulg.]


Sune Bechmann Pedersen and Elitza Stanoeva, “Tourism Diplomacy in the Cold War: Symbolic Gestures, Cultural Exchange and Human Rights”, Contemporary European History (2024); DOI: https://doi.org/10.1017/S096077732400016X

Elitza Stanoeva, “Balancing between Socialist Internationalism and Economic Internationalization: Bulgaria’s Economic Contacts with the EEC”, in Angela Romano and Federico Romero (eds.), European Socialist Regimes’ Fateful Engagement with the West: National Strategies in the long 1970s, pp. 159-89. London: Routledge, 2021 (open access at:


Elitza Stanoeva, “Squeezed between External Trade Barriers and Internal Economic Problems:  Bulgaria’s Trade with Denmark in the 1970s”, European Review of History: Revue européenne d’histoire 27:3 (2020): 390-411, DOI: 10.1080/13507486.2019.1663796

Elitza Stanoeva, “The Imperative of Opening to the West and the Impact of the 1968 Crisis: Bulgaria’s Cooperation with Denmark and West Germany in the 1960s”, in Laurien Crump and Susanna Erlandsson (eds.), Margins for Manoeuvre in Cold War Europe: The Influence of Smaller Powers, pp. 110-29. London: Routledge, 2020

Elitza Stanoeva, “Exporting Holidays: Bulgarian International Tourism and the Scandinavian Market in the 1960s and 1970s”, in Sune Bechmann Pedersen and Christian Noack (eds.), Tourism and Travel during the Cold War: Negotiating Tourist Experiences across the Iron Curtain, pp. 23-46. London: Routledge, 2019

Maren Behrensen and Elitza Stanoeva, “Hypochondriac Identities: Gender and Nationalism in Bulgaria and Germany”, in Marianne Heimbach-Steins, Maren Behrensen and Linda Hennig (Hgs.), Gender – Nation – Religion. Ein internationaler Vergleich von Akteursstrategien und Diskursverflechtungen, pp. 147-88. Frankfurt/New York: Campus-Verlag, 2019

Elitza Stanoeva, “Inventing the Socialist Consumer: Worker, Citizen or Customer? Politics of Mass Consumption in Bulgaria, 1954-1960”, in Krzysztof Brzechczyn (ed.), New Perspectives in Transnational History of Communism in East Central Europe, pp.171-98. Berlin: Peter Lang, 2019

Wybrane publikacje

{2024} “Tourism Diplomacy in the Cold War: Symbolic Gestures, Cultural Exchange and Human Rights”

{2021} “Balancing between Socialist Internationalism and Economic Internationalization: Bulgaria’s Economic Contacts with the EEC”

{2020} “The Imperative of Opening to the West and the Impact of the 1968 Crisis: Bulgaria’s Cooperation with Denmark and West Germany in the 1960s”

{2017} “Ideology and Urbanism in a Flux: Making Sofia Socialist in the Stalinist Period and Beyond”

{2016} София: идеология, градоустройство и живот през социализма [Sofia: Ideology, Urban Planning and Life under Socialism]



Projekty w realizacji


Fellowships held in Berlin, Leipzig, Konstanz, Potsdam, Vienna, Florence and Sofia