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Wykład prof. Jeffreya Helsinga z George Mason University – Reviving the Promise of Democracy: Conflict Resolution and De-Polarization in Democracies

Reviving the Promise of Democracy: Conflict Resolution and De-Polarization in Democracies

After the end of the Cold War, it seemed that the forces of democracy, freedom and economic prosperity had triumphed and the promise of a new age was upon us.  Today, democracies have been weakened, become unstable and are often threatened from within.  Helsing’s talk will focus on how conflict resolution tools and strategies can help democratic societies address the increased political and social polarization that has emerged.  He will discuss efforts in the United States, Europe and elsewhere that have been effective in developing more constructive engagement while also reducing extremism and preventing violence.  He will focus on efforts to counter misinformation and disinformation, facilitate constructive dialogue and debate, and rebuild trust.


Prof. Helsing przyjeżdża do Warszawy w ramach projektu „Promoting youth leadership in Poland: developing awareness on US and Polish policies toward Ukraine and resilience to disinformation” prowadzonego wspólnie z Instytutem Studiów Politycznych PAN i naszym Wydziałem i finansowanego przez Ambasadę USA w Polsce. Informacja o prof. Helsingu jest dostępna tutaj: https://www.gmu.edu/profiles/jhelsing

Wykład odbędzie się 16 grudnia o 13:15, w sali Stefana Nowaka.


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