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“Sociology of Elites:  Case Studies and methods” – moduł online dla doktorantów i studentów II stopnia

“Sociology of Elites:  Case Studies and methods” – moduł online dla doktorantów i studentów II stopnia

W ramach projektu API (projekt czterech uczelni Sojuszu 4EU+ w ramach programu NAWA “Akademickie Partnerstwa Międzynarodowe”) w październiku br. zostanie uruchomiony krótki moduł online “Sociology of Elites:  Case Studies and methods”, skierowany do doktorantów i studentów studiów magisterskich wszystkich sześciu uczelni członkowskich 4EU+, w tym oczywiście UW. Termin składania zgłoszeń: 24 września. 

Szczegółowe informacje
Krótki program modułowy “Sociology of Elites:  Case Studies and methods”, organizowany przez Instytut Studiów Społecznych im. Prof. Roberta Zajonca UW w ramach projektu NAWA “Akademickie Partnerstwo na rzecz Innowacji w Nauczaniu i Uczeniu się” (API) – Akademickie Partnerstwa Międzynarodowe.  Partnerami projektu są 4 partnerzy Sojuszu 4EU+: Uniwersytet Warszawski (koordynator projektu), Uniwersytet Karola w Pradze, Uniwersytet Sorboński, Uniwersytet w Heidelbergu. W module mogą wziąć udział studenci i doktoranci wszystkich sześciu uczelni Sojuszu.

Zajęcia będą odbywać się w trybie online 2 razy w tygodniu w terminie 30 września – 15  października 2021. Uczestnicy są zwolnieni z opłat. Język instrukcji: angielski. Program skierowany jest do studentów studiów magisterskich, doktorantów/młodych badaczy.

Kandydaci proszeni są o przesłanie CV, listu rekomendacyjnego i krótkiego opisu zainteresowań badawczych (maksymalnie 1 strona) drogą e-mailową do pana dr Andrzeja Turkowskiego: andrzej.turkowski@uw.edu.pl

Detailed information
Short module programme “Sociology of Elites:  Case Studies and methods”, organised by Prof. Robert Zajonc Institute for Social Studies, University of Warsaw, in the framework of NAWA project “Academic Partnership for Innovation in Teaching and Learning” (API) – International Academic Partnerships Programme. 4EU+ project partners: University of Warsaw (project coordinator), Charles University in Prague, Sorbonne University, University of Heidelberg. Candidates from all 4EU+ partner universities are eligible to apply.


Classes will be conducted online in the period 30 September – 15  October 2021, twice a week. Participation is free of charge. Language of instruction: English. The programme is targeted at master students and doctoral candidates/ young researchers.


Applicants are asked to send their CV, a letter of recommendation from their supervisor, and a short (1 page) description of their research to the following email address: andrzej.turkowski@uw.edu.pl

Application deadline: 24 September 2021


Robert B. Zajonc Institute for Social Studies, University of Warsaw

Date and format:
30 September – 15 October 2021; 2 days per week (6 days altogether plus voluntary individual consultations): 30 Sept.–1 Oct., 7–8 Oct., 14–15 Oct.
Online (via Zoom)

Aims and topics:
The aim of the online module “Sociology of Elites: Case Studies and Methods” is to acquaint attendees with the theoretical and methodological apparatus used in sociological research about elites, including Polish sociologists’ recent works concerning these topics. It will also equip them with practical knowledge and competences in selected methods employed in elite studies. Additionally, participants will be given the opportunity to consult with the module’s instructors on an individual basis regarding their own research projects.

Target audience:
Doctoral candidates, young researchers and Master students (e.g., those planning a Ph.D.) in social sciences interested in elite studies or/and in Central and Eastern Europe. Given that the module program includes practical exercises, basic knowledge of the R programming language and software is required.

Short description:
The short course will introduce participants to the study of elites. This comprehensive and diverse program consists of two parts. The first includes a presentation and discussion of recent and ongoing research concerning cultural, economic, and expert elites in Poland. While the scholars conducting seminars based on their empirical research have been informed by several theoretical and methodological approaches, a special emphasis will be put on Pierre Bourdieu’s field analysis. Apart from a general introduction to the field theory, the module includes seminars dedicated to an introduction to one of the fundamental research methods used in the frame of field analysis – Multidimensional Correspondence Analysis. 

Seminar topics:

  • Introduction to Pierre Bourdieu’s field analysis: concepts and research methods
  • Historical analysis of the field of power in Poland
  • The Intelligentsia as a specific Central European type of elite
  • Polish universities during the communist period: an attempt to create a new elite
  • The 1989 transformation and development of the field of think tanks in Poland
  • Historical policy as a part of elites’ struggles and their legitimization efforts
  • Business elites in Poland and Central Europe after 1989

Confirmed instructors:

  • Dr. Hanna Dębska, Institute of Law and Economics, Pedagogical University of Krakow
  • Prof. Krzysztof Jasiecki, Centre for Europe, University of Warsaw
  • Dr. Michał Łuczewski, Institute of Sociology, University of Warsaw
  • Prof. Tomasz Zarycki, Robert B. Zajonc Institute for Social Studies, University of Warsaw
  • Dr. Andrzej Turkowski, Robert B. Zajonc Institute for Social Studies, University of Warsaw
  • Dr. Tomasz Warczok, Institute of Philosophy and Sociology, Pedagogical University of Krakow
  • Dr. Agata Zysiak, Robert B. Zajonc Institute for Social Studies, University of Warsaw

The second part of the module will be oriented towards learning and practicing research methods, particularly social network analysis and biographical (prosopographical) analysis. The workshop module on network analysis and prosopography will encompass both the introduction and explanation of the key notions and techniques, as well as exercises aimed at gaining practical skills that could be further used in students’ research.

Confirmed instructors: 

  • Dr. Valentin Behr, SAGE, University of Strasbourg
  • Mikołaj Biesaga, Robert B. Zajonc Institute for Social Studies, University of Warsaw
  • Szymon Talaga, Robert B. Zajonc Institute for Social Studies, University of Warsaw

Application process:
Applicants are requested to send their CV, a letter of recommendation from their supervisor, and a short (1 page) description of their research up to 24 September to the following email address: andrzej.turkowski@uw.edu.pl

A certificate of attendance will be delivered to each participant who completed the program.

Contact: andrzej.turkowski@uw.edu.pl