Dominika Blachnicka-Ciacek, PhD

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Department of Social Anthropology and Ethnic and Migration Studies |
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Scientific activity
2016 – PhD in Sociology, Visual Sociology Program, Goldsmiths, University of London, Department of Sociology
2011 – Certificate in Ethnographic Film, Department of Anthropology, UCL
2007 – Master’s Degree in Sociology, Department of Social Anthropology, Institute of Sociology, Faculty of Philosophy, Jagiellonian University in Krakow
2007 – Master’s Degree in European Studies, Center for European Studies, University of Exeter (Double Degree Program with Jagiellonian University)
2005 – Master’s Degree in International Relations, Faculty of International and Political Studies, Jagiellonian University in Krakow
Scientific interests
I am engaged in studying the affective dimensions of mobility, particularly the role of memory, place, and political narratives in the processes of inclusion and marginalization of immigrant and refugee communities in host countries, as well as the relationships of diasporas with their countries of origin.
I am also interested in the social dimensions of the climate crisis and forms of climate adaptation, particularly from a generational and class perspective.
I am fascinated by methodological innovations, such as visual, multisensory, and participatory methods, as well as curatorial projects that help sociological ideas extend beyond the confines of academia.
Information about publications
Scientific articles:
Blachnicka-Ciacek, D, Budginaite-Mackine, I. (2022) The ambiguous lives of ‘the other whites’: class and racialisation of Eastern European migrants in the UK, The Sociological Review,
Blachnicka-Ciacek, D., Trąbka, A. (2022) “Football was the key”: the role of sports in facilitating migrants’ belonging and inclusion in Poland, Leisure Studies,
Blachnicka-Ciacek, D.,Trąbka, A. Budginaite-Mackine,I., Parutis, V. & Pustulka, P. (2021) Do I deserve to belong? Migrants’ perspectives on the debate of deservingness and belonging, Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies,
Blachnicka-Ciacek, D. (2020) ‘Occupied From Within: Embodied memories of the occupation, resistance and survival among the Palestinian diaspora, Emotion, Space & Society,
Rishbeth, C., Blachnicka-Ciacek, D., Darling, J. (2019) ‘Participation and wellbeing in urban greenspace: ‘curating sociability’ for refugees and asylum seekers’, Geoforum (open access)
Blachnicka-Ciacek, D. (2018) ‘Palestine as “a state of mind”: second- generation Polish and British Palestinians search for home and belonging’, Journal of Ethnic & Migration Studies,
Book chapters:
Blachnicka-Ciacek, D. (2020) ‘How not to eat human stories: ruts, complicities and methods in visual representations of refugees’ w: Adey, P, Brickell, K., Bowstead, J., Desai, V., Dolton, M., Pinkerton, A., Siddiq. A., The Handbook of Displacement, Palgrave Macmillan
Blachnicka-Ciacek, D. (2018) ‘The forgotten history of political and cultural exchanges between Communist Poland and the Palestinian Liberation Organization in the age of revolution’ w Past Disquiet. Narratives and Ghosts from International Art Exhibition for Palestine in Beirut, Rasha Salti and Kristine Khrouri (eds.) Warsaw: Museum of Modern Art
Blachnicka-Ciacek, D. (2016) ‘Uchodźcy Palestyńscy i Prawo do Powrotu’ w: ‘Na Zachodnim Brzegu bez Zmian’, Konrad Pędziwiatr (ed). Polish – language edited volume. Warszawa: Książka i Prasa. ISBN 9788365304148
Blachnicka-Ciacek, D. (2014) ‘Travelling to Israel with a Map of 1948 Palestine: How to Face the Absences we Encounter “in the Field”’ in The Future of Art is Urban: Artistic Research Practices and Methods in Social Sciences, Kata Halasz (ed). London: Goldsmiths, pp. 34-38.
Expert Reports:
Blachnicka-Ciacek, D. (2020). Młodzi Polacy wobec kryzysu klimatycznego, Youth Working Papers Nr 1/2020, Warszawa: SWPS Uniwersytet Humanistyczno-Społeczny – Młodzi w Centrum LAB. ISSN: 2543-5213. Doi: 10.23809/8 [Young Poles and climate crisis]
Rishbeth, C., Blachnicka-Ciacek, D, Bynon, R. and Stapf, T. (2017) #refugeeswelcome in parks: a resource book. Sheffield, The University of Sheffield (
Projects in progress
Engagement from afar. A multi-sited ethnography of the Ukrainian diaspora’s responses to war
Type of grant: Opus NCN
Grant-awarding entity: Narodowe Centrum Nauki
Completed projects
2020-2023 – MIMY Empowerment through Liquid Integration of Migrant Youth in Vulnerable Conditions funded by the European Commission under the Horizon 2020 Program –
2020 – ‘Czas kryzysu. Strategie radzenia sobie z konsekwencjami kryzysu klimatycznego’ funded by SWPS University
2019 – 2021 – „CEEYouth: The comparative study of Poles and Lithuanians in the context of Brexit” funded by the National Science Centre as part of the DAINA project –
2019 – ‘Czas Zmian. Młodzi Polacy i kryzys klimatyczny’ funded by SWPS University –
2017 – 2018 – „#refugeeswelcome in parks: Wellbeing and Inclusion in Public Open Space” –